BUZZSPEAK: Preparing for the 2024 New Year: From Insight to Action
Help marketers discover exciting insights about the New Year and turn those insights into messages that reach users

The previous New Year seasons, due to the impact from the epidemic, the topics discussed more or less experienced disturbances. For the 2023 New Year, Buzzmetrics observations show that the New Year is returning to traditional themes.
To connect with users more effectively in the 2024 New Year, BuzzSpeak not only focuses on unique insights, but also offers detailed strategic suggestions, namely:
1. How are users discussing traditional topics?
2. How will the themes that have been prominent in previous Tet seasons change in the 2023 New Year?
3. How have successful Tet campaigns taken advantage of Tet Insight?
With the combination of Buzzmetrics' analytical capabilities and the abundant creativity from Mango, BuzzSpeak hopes to bring exciting insights to a successful 2024 New Year campaign.