BUZZSPEAK: Preparing for the 2023 New Year
Help marketers create the most appropriate scenarios for the most important special occasion of the year

Having experienced a difficult 2021 season due to the epidemic, the New Year 2022 is expected to make an impressive comeback for the brand's marketing activities. However, research discussing the New Year 2022 reveals a different story, and this may affect the brand's New Year preparations.
To connect with users more effectively in the 2023 New Year, marketers will need to look back at the 2022 New Year and answer these questions:
1. Is New Year's Day 2022 really rebounding as strongly as the brand expects?
2. Are brands and users approaching the New Year in the same way?
3. After two years of upheaval due to the epidemic, is the insight of New Year's Day changing? What should brands prepare for the 2023 New Year?
These questions will be answered in BUZZSPEAK: PREPARING FOR NEW YEAR 2023, thereby helping marketers develop the most appropriate scenarios for the most important special occasion of the year.