The BSI Top10 ranking was published by Buzzmetrics in October 2017. As of October 2022, the BSI Top10 recorded more than 11,500 social media campaigns over the past five years. Today, the BSI (Buzzmetrics Social Index) has become an important and reliable indicator that gives brands and agencies more insight into how to evaluate the effectiveness of social media campaigns through five factors: Buzz Volume, Sentiment Score, Coverage, Object mention, and User Generated Content (UGC).
In 2021, the BSI index was updated to keep up with the market and continue to provide brand reference value: Virality Score and Relevancy Score replaced Object Mention and UGC (User Generated Content).
However, the journey to improve the BSI Top10 ranking does not stop there. Social networking platforms are increasingly diverse and brands are having more ways to reach users. In order to be able to more accurately assess the effectiveness of social media marketing campaigns, the BSI 2023 index has been updated as followed.

What's new in BSI Top10 version 2023?
BSI version 2023 more introduction two quality measurement indicators, that is:
1. Diversity Score: shows the degree of diversity in the content of discussions on social networks. When social networks are social with a diversity of colors, personalities, and value systems, social media users will naturally have diverse responses with their different opinions and stories. This indicator is intended to assess the degree of natural interaction of the commercial campaign with network users.

2. Audience Score: As the majority of Vietnamese already have social media accounts, the presence of too many newly created accounts involved in the discussion of a brand activity does not represent attractiveness for natural users. The index is intended to assess how attractive a commercial campaign is to natural users compared to “fans” creating virtual accounts in support of a brand or celebrity.
Here are two additional clarifying indicators: the quality of discussion and the quality of the accounts participating in the campaign evaluation.. Diversity Score and Audience Score will be automatically assessed based on system-wide engagement based on more than 2,000 annual commercial campaigns measured by Buzzmetrics.
In addition, the new BSI index (version 2023) retains the same criteria for assessing the success of social media campaigns/events/influencers in an overview based on 5 core elements:
- Total Discussion Volume (Buzz Volume): is a factor that helps to consider ranking; only campaigns/events/celebrities with Buzz Volume in the Top 30 are considered further and ranked to select the BSI Top10. This is a necessary indicator to assess how loud and noisy a social media campaign is.
- Sentiment Score: is the determinant of the effect of the total amount of discussion. For example, a brand's Sentiment Score is less than zero, meaning that the brand does not achieve positive effects from the network community as a whole, so the media effect will not be counted. Emotion Index = (Amount of Positive Discussions — Amount of Negative Discussions)/(Amount of Positive Discussions + Amount of Negative Discussions).
- Coverage (Audience Scale): is the spread of the campaign/event/influencer and is calculated based on the number of real people (Unique Audience) participating in the discussion.
- Relevancy Score: shows how relevant the discussions are to the topic being talked about; the more relevant discussions generated by the more people, the better the Relevancy Score. And the more brand-related discussions, the better the campaign message (Object mention) will be evaluated compared to discussions related to tactics and activities for the organization brand (e.g. mini-game discussions).
- Virality Score: shows the extent of the campaign's spread on social media. Virality Score is based on the share of discussion across three sources: Paid, Owned, Earned media. Owned media are pages managed and controlled by brands (Facebook fanpages); Paid media are pages classified by the machine learning system of social listening (machine learning) into the Commercial Page group (pages/groups/celebrities often have promotional articles for brands) and Earned media is the rest of the discussion.
BSI Top10 ranking 2023 edition and...
Through various improvements, the BSI Top10 rankings have demonstrated Buzzmetrics' efforts to provide genuine brand value by assisting brands in evaluating the effectiveness of social media campaigns, events, and celebrities.. The 2023 edition is not only concerned with the quality of the discussion, but also the diversity of the discussion (Diversity Score) and the quality of the audience (Audience Score).
However, the 2023 BSI Top10 is not yet the final version of the BSI Top10, as Buzzmetrics will always make further improvements to be able to best recognize and evaluate the brand's efforts on social media.
Before the launch of the 2023 version, how did the BSI Top10 go through the development process?

2016 - TopChart charts released for the first time
In March 2016, Buzzmetrics first released a ranking of brands, campaigns, events, and celebrities by buzz volume on social media under the name TopChart. The Top Chart works based on 2 main criteria: Total amount of discussionand Emotion Index.

Upgrade TopChart to TopBuzz
After 6 months of release, until September 2016 BuzzMetricsthere was an improvement to the TopChart charts when Total amount of discussionand Emotion Indexdoes not fully reflect the efforts of the marketer. TopChart is renamed to TopBuzz chart and added index Total interaction (Like + Share + Comment).

2020 - Big turning point, BSI Top10 was born
BSI Top10 (old version) has been improved from TopBuzz as social media increasingly shows its role as a measure of brand health, expressing consumers' feelings, opinions, and purchase intentions. Hence the indicator Total amount of discussion(Buzz Volume) of TopBuzz charts is no longer the only factor that can show the full extent of the impact on the success of a campaign/event/brand or celebrity. As a result, Buzzmetrics has upgraded the TopBuzz ranking to a BSI Top10 ranking of the 5 indicators below to give a more overview of the effectiveness and impact of campaigns/events/celebrities.
- Buzz Volume: is a factor that helps to consider ranking; campaigns/events/celebrities with Buzz Volume in the top 30 are more likely to qualify for the BSI Top10 ranking.
- Sentiment Score: Determines the effect of the total number of discussions, indicating the user's preference for the strategy/event/influencer.
- Coverage: is the spread of a campaign/event/celebrity and is calculated based on the number of real people (Unique Audience) participating in the discussion.
- Object Mention: The number of discussions generated by users specifically referring to campaign/event/celebrity phrases, this indicator helps to more accurately assess efforts to get users to remember and discuss the messages the brand wants to address.
- UGC (User Generated Content): The amount of content created by users, UGC helps brands measure how much impact they have on users. social media, prompting them to proactively create content related to the brand.

2021 - BSI Top10 Rankings with Relevancy Score and Virality Score
With the 2021 edition, each campaign/event/celebrity needs to pay attention to the quality of the discussion even more as the 2021 BSI Top10 is not only concerned with how users rate the campaign/event/celebrity (Relevancy Score), but also the source of the discussion (Virality Score).