BUZZSPEAK: Preparing for the New Year 2022
What scenario plays out on social networks for the Lunar New Year 2022?

BuzzSpeak is a series of talks organized by Buzzmetrics to present the latest analysis of the situation of social networks from a marketing perspective.
After the longest New Year in history in 2020, thoughts of life are back to the same and everyone can safely enjoy a normal New Year. However, in 2021, the epidemic is even stronger than before while the New Year is just over 160 days away. In addition, Fad Topic about Vietnam team - Fad Topic has changed the discussion trend of Tet 2018, which is likely to take place on the occasion New Year 2022. With the variables of epidemics and football, marketers will face questions:
Understanding these concerns, BUZZSPEAK: Preparing for the New Year 2022will be a conversation to help marketers prepare for a challenging and volatile New Year season. Buzzmetrics analysts will analyze the correlation between the epidemic and users' Tet activities on social networks, and predict possible scenarios during the New Year based on the variability of hot topics.